Name: Mr. Mussa Martine
Title: Research Assistant
Mr. Mussa Mayala Martine joined the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) in 2017 as a Research Assistant. He holds MA and BA Degrees in Economics from University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Mr. Martine has over 7 years of experience in socio-economic research and management. Before joining ESRF, Mr. Martine worked as an Economist at the Joint Finance Commission – Ministry of Finance and Planning (MoFP) for over 2 years. He has authored a number of publications in the area of intergovernmental fiscal relations, investment, urbanization, governance and natural resources economics. He is currently a coordinator of the Tanzania Urbanisation Laboratory (TULab). This is a platform hosted by ESRF since 2017 with the aim of supporting the Government of Tanzania in day to day analysis of urbanisation issues to inform policy.
Mr. Martine has provided both administrative and technical support to various projects including preparation of 23 regional investment guides in Tanzania, Youths Economic Empowerment through Connecting the Dots in the Value Chain Ecosystem (YEEVACE), Mainstreaming Poverty-Environment Gender & Climate Change, Rapid Response Implementation Support (RARIS) to the Ministry of Agriculture & Agriculture Lead Ministries, National Governance and Corruption Survey in Tanzania 2020, Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the sub-national level, Situation Analysis of Children and Adolescents in Selected Cities in Tanzania, Mapping of Industrialization Potentials for some regions in Tanzania, Preparation of Tanzania Human Development Report 2017, Addressing Governance Gaps in Planning and Management of Natural Gas Economy between Regional and Local Government Authority Officials in Mtwara and Lindi, among others.