Name: Ms. Noela Ringo
Title: Research Assistant
Noela Ringo holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Mzumbe University and a master’s degree of Arts in Economics at the School of Economics at the University of Dar es Salaam. Her master’s thesis is titled “Determinants of Being Connected to Electricity and its Impact on schooling outcomes among primary school going children in Tanzania”, the study uses propensity score matching design.
Ms. Ringo is a Research Assistant at the Impact Evaluation Laboratory hosted in the Governance and Capacity Development Department at the Economic and Social Research Foundation. She is currently working as a Co-PI on various health projects titled “Urban Food Environments and Dietary Choices in Tanzania: Some Lessons for Action on Hunger and Malnutrition” funded by International Development Research Center (IDRC); “SMS Campaign to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Take-up in Tanzania” funded by PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) and works as a Research Fellow on the project titled “Afya Yako: Countering Public Health Misinformation through Local Media” funded by Social Science Research Council (SSRC). She is also a Co-author in the project titled “The Impact of Taxing Mobile Money Withdrawals, who’s most adversely affected?” funded by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). She is also a Co-instructor of the Impact Evaluation training courses which are annually conducted by ESRF and funded by the Hewlett Foundation. She also curates a 90-minute virtual workshop named “Utafiti Wetu” meaning our research, that invites scholars of Africa and outside Africa to present their work to an audience of predominantly Tanzanian academic faculty, undergraduate as well as graduate students; policy researchers in government and private sector; among others.