Tanzania Human Development Report (THDR) project
Human development approach is a simple but powerful idea of putting people at the centre of any social economic efforts. The approach is based on the foundation that the human being should be the end and not only means of development. Human development approach aims at diversification of people’s choices and freedom to live a long and healthy life and participate in communities with dignity and self respect. It is therefore a means of achieving various ends such as longevity of life, low morbidity, wide and effective knowledge and so on. While the approach is firmly rooted on Sen’s capability theory of 1980s, in Tanzania the concept was long acknowledged since 1960s. A common phrase in Tanzania in the 1960s was lengo la maendeleo ni watu, meaning, human beings should be the ultimate destination of development.
Rationale and justification of Tanzania Human Development Report project is linked to the need for exerting greater push towards development issues at both global and country levels. At the international stage, Human Development Approach gained a pre-eminent space since 1990 after the publication of UNDP’s first flagship publication i.e. Global Human Development Report 1990 “concept and measurement of human development”. According to UNDP (2014), since the Human Development Approach was introduced in 1990, more than 700 regional, national and sub national levels have been launched in more than 140 countries. These reports are strategic advocacy tools created through a process of active engagement within countries and across regions. These reports address cutting edge issues, articulate people’s priority needs as important sources of innovation and advancement. At the country level, rationale and justification of Tanzania Human Development Report Project is linked to:-
- Expansion of the country’s developing strategy to include poverty reduction (through MKUKUTA) and growth (through medium term development plans and vision 2025).
- Reinvigorated interest of achieving broad based growth aiming at reversing experiences of last decade and ensure that the majority of Tanzanians enjoy the benefits of economic growth.
- In recognition of outstanding contribution of Poverty and Human Development Reports (PHDRs) in MKUKUTA monitoring: to support the continuation of national efforts of monitoring medium term development strategies and vision 2025.
Tanzania Human Development Report Project (THDR) – an Overview
Tanzania Human Development Report (THDR) project started in March 2013 with an overall objective of enhancing national capacities for integrating issues of human development and multi-dimensional poverty into planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting through the production of Human Development Reports for Tanzania, outreach activities and capacity development. The project is being executed by the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) as the Implementing Partner (IP) and funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project is being implemented within a framework of national research and academic institutions; in addition to the ESRF, other collaborating partners in the implementation of the project include Department of Economics University of Dar es Salaam, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Office of Chief Government Statistician Zanzibar (OCGS), Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) and Policy Research for Development (REPOA). This project whose initial Memorandum of Understanding extends between March 2013 and December 2016 aimed at producing two national Human Development Reports namely THDR 2014 and THDR 2017.
Tanzania Human Development Report Project is country based, country driven and country owned. The project is focusing on national perspectives on human development in addressing priority themes, emerging trends, opportunities and challenges. Over the past four years of its implementation, Tanzania Human Development Report (THDR) project has promoted national policy dialogue among variety of national perspectives basing on the identification and analysis of development alternatives. Although THDR is not a consensus document it has served to inform policy making and build shared visions. THDRs emanate from global Human Development Reports which sets context and provide best practice for production of country HDRs. However, since global HDRs have a more general outlook THDR has been addressing themes that address critical country specific issues.
The overall objective of the THDR project for the four-year period of March 2013 to December 2016 was to enhance national capacities for integrating issues of human development and multi-dimensional poverty into planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting in Tanzania. This overall objective was achieved through a vibrant dialogue on human development created by THDR project in Tanzania. Both, THDR 2014 and THDR 2017 had a theme associated with economic transformation. It is worth noting that the concept of economic transformation has also gained a centre stage in Tanzania’s medium term development strategy. The role of THDR project in influencing and supporting development and implementation of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development is also worth of noting. Implementation of THDR project resulted into making an impact in policy development processes particularly in five key areas namely: –
- Influencing the theme of FYDP II (2016/17 – 2020/21) towards economic transformation.
- Influencing the national framework of monitoring of national development outcomes.
- Influencing development of agenda 2030/SDGs in Tanzania.
- Influencing localization of SDGs in Tanzania.
- The impact of THDR project in fostering national ownership and sustainability of the project in Tanzania
- The impact of THDR project in influencing gender equality in Tanzania.
Project Outputs
The THDR project achieved afore mentioned results through production of the following outputs.
Output 1: Tanzania Human Development Report produced over years with futuristic view on human development. Some more specific outputs produced under output 1 of THDR project include: –
- Concept note for Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Economic Transformation for Human Development”, released in August 2013.
- 10 background papers published for Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Economic Transformation for Human Development” released in November 2014.
- The main report of Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Economic Transformation for Human Development” released in March 2015.
- English Summary of Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Economic Transformation for Human Development” released in March 2015.
- Kiswahili Summary of Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Mageuzi ya Kiuchumi kwa Maendeleo ya Binadamu”, released in March 2015.
- Concept note for Tanzania Human Development Report 2017 “Social Policy in the Context of Economic Transformation in Tanzania”, released in September 2015.
- 10 Background papers published for Tanzania Human Development Report 2017 “Social Policy in the Context of Economic Transformation in Tanzania” released in November 2016.
Output 2: Data systems and research on contemporary and futuristic issues/themes that contribute to successful promotion of human development strengthened. Some more specific outputs produced under output 2 of THDR project include:-
- Statistical Annex for THDR 2014 produced
- Statistical Annex for THDR 2017 produced
Output 3: Dissemination and advocacy using THDR findings scaled up to influence policy-options decisions for improved sustainable human development management; Some more specific outputs produced under output 3 of THDR project include: –
- Report of stakeholders’ consultation on Localization of Post 2015 Development Agenda – consultations with leaders of local government and civil society authorities, 11th June 2014, Nashera Hotel, Morogoro.
- Report of stakeholders’ consultations on Localization of Post 2015 Development Agenda – consultations with civil society organizations, local government authorities and vulnerable groups, 14th June 2014, ESRF Conference Hall.
- Report of stakeholders’ consultations on Localization of Post 2015 Development Agenda – consultations in Zanzibar, 16th June 2014, Zanzibar Beach Resort.
- Report of stakeholders’ consultation on Localization of Post 2015 Development Agenda. National Synthesis Report, 4th July 2014.
- Report of National Dissemination of Open Working Group – Sustainable Development Goals, 27th October 2014, ESRF Conference Hall
- Report of National Dissemination of Open Working Group – Sustainable Development Goals, 30th October 2014, Zanzibar Beach Resort
- Report of National Consultative Workshop on Post MDGs Development Agenda “Financing for Development”, 26th & 27th June 2015; saint Gasper’s Hotel & Conference Centre, DODOMA.
- Report of National Consultative Workshop on Post 2015 Development Agenda in Zanzibar, 14th May 2015, Zanzibar Beach Resort
- Report of National Consultative Workshop on Post 2015 Development Agenda for Tanzania Mainland, 12th May 2015, ESRF Conference Hall.

Dr. Servacious Likwelie, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Planning providing welcome remarks during launch of Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Economic Transformation for Human Development”.

The guest of honor, posing for a group photo with a team of experts during launch of Tanzania Human Development Report 2014 “Economic Transformation for Human Development”.