Welcome To ESRF Information Centre.

The library is automated using Inmagic Software.

Services And Functions

The Library provides up to date information and documentation services to researchers using modern technologies, these includes the use of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), CD_ROM, On-line databases, Online document delivery services and Internet resources.

The Library offers the following services:

Current awareness services and selective dissemination of information

The Library is preparing and disseminating a monthly list of current articles on Tanzania and newly acquired documents and also provide information services to users depending on their needs.

Enquiry and information services

The Library is providing inquiry and information services on various topics to Researchers and other users from Academic Institutions and Government Departments.

Readers services

The Library assists users to identify and retrieve relevant documents/information from library shelves and on the Internet. Also it offers users education on how to use the library and its facilities including library management software.

Internet search

The library also searches relevant documents from the Internet and circulates them to researchers and other users for reference and information.

The Library welcomes outside users, particularly researchers, and advanced students from Tanzania and outside working on Economic, Social and development issues. All the services are offered free of charge to the public.

Opening Hours

The library open from 8: am to 5: pm , Monday to Friday.

Library Collection

Book collection stands at 8,300 volumes, 70 periodical titles,141 Conference titles ( about 1459 conference papers) and 24 Local and International Newspapers. Also the Information Center subscribes for the ECONLIT and African Studies CD-ROM databases.



The Information Centre is under the Knowledge Management and Innovation Department which is headed by Mr. John kajiba.

He is an Information Scientist with wide range experience on ICT for Development, Information and knowledge based strategic initiatives, research on knowledge management, learning and information technologies. He has contributed to conceptual and strategic thinking on practical information and knowledge programmes through his work at ESRF.

He was involved in the establishment of Tanzania Online Gateway, Tanzania Development Gateway, Rwanda Information Online and ESRF Information Center. She has done number of consultancy works on Information and knowledge management and ICT for Development.