Name: Mr. Richard Ngilangwa

Title: Research Fellow

Richard Gordon Ngilangwa is a Tanzanian researcher and policy analyst with a strong academic background and extensive experience in the field of economic and social research. Ngilangwa holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, achieved in 2011. He also earned a Diploma in UN and International Understanding Studies from the Institute of UN Studies in New Delhi, India, and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, India, both attained in 2010.

Currently serving as a Research Fellow, he plays a significant role in the organization’s strategic research and publications department. His responsibilities encompass a wide range of research-related tasks, including being the focal person for social protection and social service delivery work. He efficiently manages projects and programs, drafts resource mobilization proposals, compiles academic and research reports, and coordinates activities within the Publication Unit. Richard’s management skills extend to administrative functions, budgeting, personnel contract writing, and supervision.

In addition to his academic and professional achievements, Richard has undertaken a multitude of training programs, honing his skills in areas such as research integrity, mixed methods in social science research, gender analysis, evidence-based policy, and more. His language proficiency includes excellent skills in English and Swahili, as well as intermediate proficiency in French.

Richard’s contributions extend to publications, reports, and policy analyses that reflect his dedication to social improvement. His research work has tackled critical issues like cancer care accessibility, education disparities, gender equity, and inclusive development. He has been involved in winning project grants, writing proposals, recruiting personnel, and overseeing assignments to successful completion.

Richard has participated in key conferences, workshops, and training sessions, sharing his expertise and insights with fellow professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders. His work at ESRF and contributions to various projects highlight his commitment to advancing social and economic well-being through research, policy analysis, and strategic management.